Hello lovelies! With the rising temperatures of summer comes the rising of hemlines on clothes. Basically, as the weather gets hotter, the shorts get shorter. But even as I broke out my dresses and shorts, I still felt there was more that had to happen... so naturally I cut off all my hair. Well, not all my hair, but I did chop off eleven inches!!!

Honestly, I have been ready to cut my hair for awhile now. Having long hair was beginning to feel like I was dragging a sweater around with me all the time, even when I put it up in a cute ponytail! It would get stuck in doors, bags, chairs... and it was just a mess overall. So many people told me not to cut it because it was so long and beautiful, and to be honest, that's why I kept it for so long. But then I realized I need to just do what I want because it's my own hair!! It's not anybody else's! And let me tell you, as soon as my hairdresser made the first cut, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders (literally). And maybe I'm making a huge deal over a little thing, but I am just so incredibly happy with my hair now! I feel free and confident. I feel that people can finally see my personality, instead of just remembering me as that girl with long hair.
And what made the experience even more wonderful would be that I took the eleven inches of my hair and donated it to an organization that makes free wigs for women with cancer! With this, I hope that other women can gain as much confidence as I did with a change as simple as a hairstyle. So my challenge for you is to find something that enlightens both you and others! If you have long hair and are ready to cut at least eight inches off, I recommend donating to
Pantene Beautiful Lengths! They are not sponsoring me at all, I just support this organization and their mission. Anyways, I hope you take up the challenge to make a difference in both yourself and those around you, even if it's small! I'm so grateful for all of you who read my posts, and I hope you all have a fabulous day!
XO, Lauren