The month of June was by far the best month so far this year! I had so many new experiences, and got to meet so many new people. Here are a few of my favorite moments from June 2016:

Moment Descriptions:
1.) JUNE 1: My little sister and I tried to make our own pocky from scratch! It ended up being really good, even though it doesn't look exactly like pocky!
2.) JUNE 16: I had my first job interview and I ended up getting the job! I was so proud of myself for figuring out how to put a resume and cover letter together haha!
3.) JUNE 18: I tried this "purple yam" flavored ice cream, and it was DELICIOUS!
4.) JUNE 21: I took a picture with this green dinosaur statue in Utah on my road trip to California!
5.) JUNE 22-25: VIDCON WAS AMAZING!!! I loved it. Go watch my vlogs if you haven't already!
6.) JUNE 26: I saw the cutest puppy (after Finn of course) at Venice Beach, CA! He was super tiny!
7.) JUNE 27: I hiked up a mountain in Nevada for the first time! It was burning hot outside, and it was not easy to walk up there, but I'm proud of myself for making it all the way up to the top!
8.) JUNE 30: I flew in a plane for the first time by myself! Not as scary as I thought it would be! Yay!
It's crazy how many things I got to experience this month! I didn't even realize it until I wrote this blog post. Not all of them are included in this post, but these were a few of the best. It's always important to reflect on what you've learned and what you've gone through. Be thankful for everything. Don't let the things that you don't want distract you from the amazing things that surround you every second of the day. This is my second post in the "Moments of the Month" series on my blog, and I'm really starting to like it! I don't always remember all the amazing things in my life, so this is a step towards always being grateful and positive! Hope you guys have lots of amazing moments this month, and have a fabulous day!
XO, Lauren
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