Many times I feel that we push aside small moments and experiences to focus on bigger ones. But, personally, I believe it's the small moments that make life worth living. I have been practicing gratitude a lot more lately, and it's made me realize that it's the little details that make life an interesting adventure. With this new outlook, I've decided to do a series on my blog called "Moments of the Month" where I show you guys random things that made me smile, laugh, or even cry during that month. So here I go! These are some of my little moments from May 2016:

Moment Descriptions:
1.) MAY 1: Starbucks date with the best mom in the world!!
2.) MAY 4: Exploring downtown with friends
3.) MAY 6: The cute mood ring I bought at Disney Springs!
4.) MAY 7: My cousin's college graduation!!
5.) MAY 8: Road trip with Finn
6.) MAY 9: Cinnabon cinnamon rolls are THE BESTTTT!!!
7.) MAY 11: BFF date with the cutest mini donuts
8.) MAY 11: Crocheting my own halter top because the one at Hollister was too expensive...
9.) MAY 11: Staying up till 11pm to finish my halter top #dedicated
10.) MAY 12: Crocheting another top!
11.) MAY 12: This top also took 8 hours to make.. #handcramps
12.) MAY 19: I found this ADORABLE jacket, but I had to leave it at the store because I didn't have enough to buy it. Oh well, maybe I'll make a jacket for myself too...
13.) MAY 20: Embroidered a lotus flower as homework for my costume class!! Pretty proud of it!
14.) MAY 21: Finn being cute.
15.) MAY 21: Finn being even cuter.
16.) MAY 23: My sister's Spring Concert! I'm so proud of how well she performed!
17.) MAY 23: The stage for Abby's Spring Concert. They made the cutest flower decorations.
18.) MAY 24: Chalkboard wall at a local coffee shop
19.) MAY 24: BFF coffee date featuring iced coffee and matcha latte with boba
20.) MAY 24: Riverwalk sunset
I really hope you enjoyed a small sneak peak into what I've been up to! Please feel free to share with me your favorite moments of the month, I absolutely love having conversations and interacting with you guys. Anyways, remember that it is important to find something to be grateful for every day, even if the day is not going as planned. I hope you all have a wonderful and fabulous day and I'll talk to you in my next post!!
XO, Lauren
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