Thursday, February 6, 2014

First Piece in my Spring 2014 Collection

FirstPieceInMy Spring2014Collection

Finally finished sewing the first garment in my spring 2014 collection! It's amazing to see your own idea go from a sketch to real life!

XO, Lauren


  1. Congratulations! I've only sewn a tote bag and a couple velcro belts before. I'm very impressed :)

    P.S. I'd love it if you would visit my blog, Sarah's Real Life!

  2. Thanks so much Sarah! I love to sew! And sure, I'd love to check out your blog! Thanks for reading!

  3. Oh my goodness! That is so neat. I would wear that top in a heartbeat.
    You are so talented!

  4. Aw thank you so much!! I'm pretty happy with it since it's the first time I've done sleeves!

  5. Well done! You are very talented and wear your design well! :-)
