Tuesday, June 9, 2015

DIY Motivational Bouquet

Lately I've been really working on staying positive, motivated and inspired. I've been thinking of little ways to stay happy and make other people happy, so I came up with this cute diy room decor piece that can sit in your room or be given as a gift! I think it is so adorable and can easily be customized to your style and mood. You can use quotes, pictures, different types of flowers, a different container, you name it! As I was looking for quotes to use for my diy flower decor, I came across one that I really liked. "To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." There are so many craft projects that I haven't tried because I was afraid to mess up, or I was afraid that it wasn't going to turn out well. But the quote is so true, you never know unless you get over your fear of failure and just do it. So there ya have it, I hope you end up trying this out and have a fabulous day!

XO, Lauren

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